Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The War Stories

 Good late afternoon from the Underground Bunker here in Upstate New York.  It's November 22, 2011 and just got an alert on my Android cell phone for freezing rain for tomorrow starting at 5am-7pm.  I hope that is not the case.  In my opinion freezing rain is more dangerous than snow.  Those who drive in freezing rain probably would agree with that statement. 
Today was gloomy wet day.  We had that misty rain this morning and it was cold.  I don't mind the cold if the sun is bright and shining.  This cold and damp weather hurts my bones.  Oh well nothing I can do about it.  I must keep it moving!  I was told a long time ago pain is weakness leaving the body....it sounds logical but when does the weakness run out?

My body is tired, my mind is tired...I'm tired.  The War Stories never seem to stop playing in my mind.  For those who went to war whether it was over seas or even here in the states you should be heard and taken seriously.  To the soldier that dealt with world problems or a domestic soldier (police officer) that has to deal with the problems that no one else wants to deal with if you feel stress or hurt inside seek help for your pain.
Because of The War Stories it's hard to sleep at night. I know what happens at night.  Bad things happen at night.  I had to deal with so many horrible events in my career and now that it is suddenly over I feel that I am waiting for something terrible to happen. I have no idea why I feel this way.  Anxiety is tough to deal with. I guess writing is therapy for me.  When will it stop? I don't know... Because of this I write at night.  It takes my mind off the War Stories. 

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is something that is real and happens to people who deal with the Traumatic events.  Don't be ashamed or think something is wrong with the way you are feeling.  It happens to the toughest people on the planet.  This feeling creeps up on you and takes over your life.  Sometimes people who suffer from PTSD may appear happy to others. People with this problem try to hide or mask their true feelings because they know something is wrong.  That's why it's a total shock to some people when a friend or acquaintance commits suicide.  The happiness is sometimes a front to block the pain and sorrow you feel.  You try to convince yourself that you are happy but this is where the problem lies. You feel that you don't want to be looked at like a problem or worse to have your emotions doubted and scrutinized.  You must confront it and get help your life depends on it! 

 Like always thank you for reading my Blog and if you know someone that has dealt with a painful and shocking event in their lives make sure to really find out if they are OK.  Let them know that if they need help they can come to you.  Stay Smart and Stay Safe! --Blogger X

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Light on the wall!!

Good Evening from the Underground Bunker. It's November 20, 2011 at 0016 hrs here in Upstate New York.  Today I decided to take a ride down to NYC with the old man.  It seems like every time I go down there I feel like I caught a cold.  Is that a mental thing or did I really catch something?  I guess I will find out tomorrow...

Have you every had an "Unknown Guest" show up at a function or event  and you asked yourself "who is that?" or "who knows this person and where is he/she from?". This feeling of vulnerability is somewhat...well annoying right? Well this is a true story that I am going to write about tonight. 

It was some years ago when I was a child maybe 10-12 years old when I was still living in Queens with my family.  My dad, brother and I were watching T.V. in the living room. Now let me explain the floor plan of our old house.  Basically the first floor had a "rail road" style layout.  As you walked in the front door we had a small foyer then you walk straight into the living room and then into the dining room and the last room was the kitchen.  We had a staircase in the dinning room that lead to the bedrooms upstairs. We can see the staircase while sitting on the sofa in the living room. Now that the layout has been described listen to what changed my life.

One night my father, brother and I  were watching T.V. in the living room.  My mom was not in the living room with us at the time.  As we were watching T.V. we noticed that the light in my brothers room was on.  We could tell it was on because the dinning room was dark and the light from the bedroom reflected off the staircase wall almost all the way down the staircase.  My father told one of us to go upstairs and turn it off and as we sat there bickering about the light and who was the last one in the room and who's fault it was, we all looked up at the staircase.  In that moment all three of us saw a shadow walk slowly into the room.  In that moment I felt relief that I did not have to go upstairs and interrupt my T.V. show so I yelled "Hey Ma!..turn off the light in the room!" and I could hear a faint response comming from the distance "I'm in the basement washing clothes!".  My father, brother and I just sat there looking at each other and did not say a word for a few seconds until I broke the silence and asked the question "did you guys see that?" And they both answered "yes!" and this was all that was said for quite some time.  The silence seemed like an eternity until my mom came upstairs from the basement.

Still to this day I remember that evening like it was yesterday.  I can close my eyes and see that shadow.  It changed my perspective on life and what happens after it forever. Good night everyone and stay safe out there!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Beautiful Day

Good morning from the Underground Bunker.  It is November 19, 2011 at 0900 hrs.What a beautiful morning it is here in Upstate New York.  Turned on the coffee pot and I can start to smell the sweet aroma of the dark roast coffee in the air.  I look out my kitchen window and condensation builds when my warm breath confronts the cold glass.  I could almost feel the cold crisp November morning air from inside my cozy little nest here in the mountains. 
The squirrels and chipmunks are hard at work getting their nuts and preparing for the harsh winter that awaits us here every year.  I wonder if chipmunks and squirrels down south have the same work ethic?  Anyway the leaves on the Japanese Maple tree in my back yard are almost all gone.  Yes winter is approaching!  Soon there will be only snow on the ground.  Do I yearn for it?...No! But it sure is beautiful the first few times it snows.  Have a good day and stay safe out there!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Good Afternoon from the Underground Bunker here in Upstate New York.  It is 1430hrs on November 17, 2011.  I am listening to "New Age" on Sonic Tap satellite radio.  My Yaesu VHF/UHF radios are scanning the Upstate New York repeater systems.  The Uniden Bearcat BC350-A is also scanning Police and Fire Departments.

Have you ever wondered what those "checkerboard" or "Grid-Type" cloud formations in the sky were and how they got there?

Above is a picture of these "checkerboard" or "Grid" cloud formations.  Are they put in the earths atmosphere by government officials or an unknown organization? What is the purpose for the release this smoke in the air?  The CHEMTRAIL conspiracy theories believe these trails are sprayed by government aircraft.  They believe that what is sprayed are chemical or biological agents.  These biological agents are sprayed at high altitudes for unknown reasons.  

The existence of CHEMTRAILS has been repeatedly denied by the government agencies and scientists around the world who say that they are regular CONTRAILS produced by planes.   The U.S.A.F maintains the CHEMTRAIL theory is a hoax and it has been investigated and refuted by major accredited universities, scientific organizations. 

Well which one is it? Is it CHEMTRAIL or CONTRAILS?  Lets look further.

CHEMTRAIL  are trails that are left by chemicals.  Proponents of CHEMTRAILS characterize these chemical trails as streams that persist for hours, and by their criss-cross/grid like pattern which blend to eventually form large clouds.  Proponents say they can view the presence of visible of color spectra in the streams.  These streams are concentrated in a single area and lingering tracks left by unmarked or military airplanes  flying in altitudes or locations as markers of CHEMTRAILS.

CONTRAILS are "Streaks of condensed water vapor created at high altitudes by airplane or rocket.  These are a result of normal emissions of water vapors from piston and jet engines at high altitudes in which water vapor condenses into a visible cloud.  The rate at which CONTRAILS dissipate is dependent on the weather conditions and altitude.  If the atmosphere is near saturation it could take several hours.  Likewise if the atmosphere is dry it could dissipate very quickly.  

This subject is very interesting and should be investigated further.  What are these trails of smoke that is left?  Is it the non toxic and harmless CONTRAILS that is basically water left by airplanes at high altitude or is it something else?  Is it the CHEMTRAILS  that the conspiracy theorist think it is?  Could it be some type of toxic chemical sprayed to control the weather or to control our minds?  Watch this video and you decide.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


insomnia [in-som-nee-uh]

The inability to obtain sufficient sleep,especially when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.

This is what I have! Do you?...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Where did time go?

Good early evening from the Underground Bunker. Have you ever experienced a day that time had no bearing and you had a feeling that something is wrong but had no clue what? Today I had that feeling of melancholy.

Last night after I finished my blog about Bigfoot I felt completely exhausted. I powered off my old gateway 1300 series desktop and climbed up the stairs of the bunker and went straight to bed. When I woke it was around 10:30am but it felt much later in the afternoon.  I did not have a good nights rest and the whole day felt as if I was dragging my feet in mud. As the day progressed I was overcome with this feeling of sorrow.  Why is this? Everything is ok with me and my family. This feeling comes and goes and after it goes the whole day feels like It was misplaced. It's definitely a weird feeling of being taken out of your realm and going through some different dimension while sitting in one place.

Melancholy is defined as a deep, pensive and long lasting sadness. This feeling I had today did not overcome me for the whole day. It was just for a few hours but the effects of this worry made it feel the few hours were lost in time. 

Where did it go? What was I worried about? Do our brains know something that we don't know...yet? What I mean is, do our thoughts travel ahead in time while we are in deep sleep?  I was thinking that this could be possible and it sounds logical.  I believe that dej-av-u and the feeling of being melancholy is a result from your brain going foward in time.

If your brain can go back in time and remember things why can't it go foward? In essence our brain is the DVD player and your brain waves or life events are the DISK filled with information. All of your life events are all there already and your just in "play mode" and while you sleep you can rewind or even fast foward your DVD disk of your life.  This seems like it makes sense to me.

That was my thoughts and feelings for today. What's your opinion about this? Like always thanks for reading my blog.  Stay smart and always be safe!---Blogger X

Is Bigfoot Real?

Good evening from the Underground Bunker.  It's 0030 hrs on November 14, 2011 and my radio's are quiet this evening.  

Is Bigfoot Real? This topic has always interested me since I was a kid.  Has Bigfoot really been seen and video taped?  Can it be possible that a unknown species can be hiding somewhere in the vast wilderness of our country and other rural parts of the world?  Let's look into this mysterious "Wild Man".

Bigfoot is described by witnesses as a large hairy  ape-like creature, ranging between 6-10 feet tall weighing in access of 500 ponds and is covered with dark brown or reddish hair.  The top part of the head has been described as rounded and crested.  It's head is similar to the male gorilla.  The casts that were made from the animals feet have been said to be as large as 24 inches long and 8 inches wide.  Some claim that Bigfoot is omnivorous and mainly   nocturnal. 

Lets look at the locations and topography that This ape-like creature has been seen in.  Most sightings have been in the forests of the Pacific Northwest and Northern California.  There have also been many sightings in Canada.  There are 15 National parks located in the Pacific Northwest. There are magnificent mountains, incredible bodies of water, diverse forests and unusual geological features are found in these parks.  Olympic national Park is 922,000 acres that includes beaches, rain forest and snow caped mountains.  Redwood National park has 131,983 acres and contains the worlds tallest trees that stand over 300 feet tall! Some say when you stand in the middle of this forest it feels like you have stepped back in time

Above are pictures of Olympic National park and Redwood National Park.  Look and see how rural and dense these forests are.  It is very possible that Bigfoot can hide from modern man in this type of environment.  If this creature exists it must have some type of intelligence to keep away from man and his cameras.  Below is a the famous Peterson video that was filmed on October 20, 1967 along side the Klamath River outside of Orleans, California. 
One thing I thought of while writing this blog about Bigfoot is what if this creature is some sort of hybrid human/ape experiment gone wrong and is burying the dead so man cannot find their remains?  Could this be something like the movie "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" where a chimp was given some type of injection to heighten its intelligence and this chimp escaped to the Redwood Forest and thrived in that environment.  This could be what Bigfoot really is!....Watch Oliver and you decide!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ham Radio/Shortwave Radio

Good evening from the Underground Bunker her in Upstate New York.  The time is 0310 hrs on  November 13, 2011.  I am listening to some "General Ham Operators" on frequency 3843.0 kHz.  My VHF/UHF radios are scanning the Upstate New York repeaters systems and my Uniden Bearcat BC350A scanner is also scanning the Police as well as Fire Departments in my area.

I wanted to write about the Shortwave and Ham Radios that I have here in the Underground Bunker.  The Shortwave radio that I listen to is the Sony ICF-2010. 
This Shortwave Radio was well ahead of it's time! This radio receives the regular AM/FM stations as well as shortwave and VHF astronautical bands.  Continuous coverage from 150-29999.9 kHz in AM/CW/SSB and 78-108 MHz in FM.  This radio is a receive only radio. I cannot transmit any voice or CW (morse code).  I can receive all the Shortwave radio stations from around the world on this little radio. Right now while typing this blog I am listening to "Ham" radio operators on 3843.0 kHz.  They are talking about the government and the state of our economy.  These "Ham" operators are located in Atlanta Georgia.  Great  listening to people who are transmitting from different states.

I am also a "HAM" radio operator.  I am considered a "Technician" because I passed the entry level exam.  A Technician can only operate primarily on VHF/UHF frequencies.  This frequency band plan chart that is shown below illustrate which band/frequencies can be used for each level of "HAM" licensee and must be strictly followed.
My VHF/UHF radios are the Yaesu FT-2900R and the Yaesu FT-1807.  I like Yaesu radio's because their transmitting audio are reported to be loud and clear and they are affordable if you don't want to spend all your savings and you are new to the hobby.
The scanner that I listen to is the Uniden Bearcat BC350A.  This is a small scanner that is primarily used for mobile use but I have here in the Underground Bunker because it is small and fits perfectly on my bench.  I listen to Police, Fire Department, EMS, Airplane communications, Marine bands and the NOAA Weather Stations.
These are the radios I listen to while I blog here in the Underground Bunker.  I thought it might be good to list the different types of radios here in the "SHACK".  I usually state what and who I'm listening to in the beginning of my blogs.  Just thought the  readers would like to see what I use here.  I also wanted to thank all who read my blogs!  Be smart and stay safe out there!....Wherever you may be. ----Blogger X

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Painter

The sun rises. It's a new glorious day. It's a new clean canvas to paint a lovely picture. A picture that will be remembered in our minds forever. Remember we have the brush in our hands we are in total control of what colors we use.  A good painter never wastes a canvas! Be smart and stay safe. ---BloggerX

The Lycanthropes

Good Evening from the Underground Bunker located in Upstate New York. The time is 0030 hrs on November 11, 2011. I am monitoring the Upstate NY Troopers as well as the Sheriff Department on my Uniden Bearcat BC350A. The Yaesu FT-2900 and FT-1807 HAM radios are always scanning the NYS Repeaters.  

What are LYCANTHROPES?  The LYCANTHROPE is a legendary shape shifting human.  This human supposedly can change shape and transform to a Werewolf.  The legend of the Werewolf has spread to every area of the world.  It is the oldest human monster ever recorded in history.  Throughout history there are records in which people confessed to have changed or "shape shift" into a Werewolf.  In fact these people were hunted, questioned and executed the same way the witches were in those days.   Some of the arrest were made to have an explanation for livestock missing and turning up dead but some were convicted for far more gruesome acts.  

Where Werewolf's just human serial killers and their actions were "animal like" or was it something else to the myth?  Two Men, Pierre Burgot and Michel Verdun were executed as being Werewolf's and were in fact a serial killing team.  Did they try to plea they were insane by using this Werewolf story?

I will try to make some connections here in the UNDERGROUND BUNKER.  The oldest story of a Werewolf is not about a gruesome serial killer or killers it was an ancient Roman myth.  Ovid wrote The Metamorphosis in 1 A.D. which described King Lycaon wanted to tempt and offend the "god's" by serving humans to them.  One of the Deity transformed him into a Werewolf.  As a Werewolf he can continue to commit these abomination of eating human flesh as a shape shifting Werewolf.

Is King Lycaon just a figment of Ovid's imagination or was he a king that really existed?  Where those "god's" the same ones that supposedly walked the earth and were worshiped by the Egyptians?  Anubis was the name of a jackal/wolf headed deity who stood guard over the city of the dead.  This god's name appears on the necropolis seals for the first dynasty pharaohs Den and Qa'a, and temple dating back to pre-dynastic times. Was this the "god" that King Lycaon angered and who placed this curse on him?  Did the god Anubis consume humans like the tales of King Lycaon?

Were these "god's"of Egyptian time the Nephilim or Fallen Angels who fell to the earth with Lucifer (Satan)? Are they the extra terrestrials that supposedly fly around our earth in disk shape objects?  Is the monster of the silver screen that we all fear (Werewolf's) somewhat connected to the Egyptian deity Anibus?...You decide.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Good evening from the UNDERGROUND BUNKER here in Upstate New York. Tired tonight going to bed early. Be back tomorrow night with a new Blog. Good night and be safe out there! X

Noah's Ark Found?

Good Evening from the Underground Bunker located in Upstate New York. The time is 0155 hrs on November 9, 2011 and I am currently listening to the “Alex Jones Show” on frequency 4840.0 on my Sony ICF-2010 shortwave radio. I am also monitoring the Upstate NY Trooper barracks as well as the Sheriff Department on my Uniden Bearcat BC350A. The Yaesu FT-2900 and FT-1807 HAM radios are also scanning the NYS Repeaters.

"Make thee an Ark of GOPHER WOOD; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, the breadth of it 50 cubits, and the height of it 30 cubits."
---GENESIS 6: 14-15

What is GOPHER WOOD? Most modern day English bibles translate it to "CYPRESS" which is probably incorrect because the plants and trees of the "Pre-Flood Earth" was very different from the "Post-Flood Earth".  Many plants and trees are now extinct since the days of the flood.  This "GOPHER WOOD" must have been so strong and massive to hold the heavy weight of the cargo and the rising water of the flood.  Another reason it is thought to be "CYPRESS" is because it was in abundance in Chaldea and Armenia.

Lets take a look at the size of the Ark.  The above passage (GENESIS 6:15) states the length of the vessel was 300 cubits the height was 30 cubits and the width was 50 cubits.  That's 450 feet long, 45 feet high and 75 feet wide!!  That is approximatly half the size of the Oasis of the Seas!  That is a huge vessel being made by a man in those times.  It took Noah no more than 75 years to complete the Ark( http://www.answersingenesis.org).  No wonder the people around Noah thought he was a mentally disturbed person.  

"And the Ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat".--GENESIS 8:4

Where is Mount Ararat?  Mount Ararat is a snow capped dormant volcanic cone located in Turkey.  It has two peaks: Greater-Ararat is the tallest peak in turkey with an elevation of 16,854 feet above sea level.  Lesser-Ararat has an elevation of 12,782.
Has Noah's Ark been found on Mount Ararat? An Evangelical Christian team claims they have indeed found the ark of Noah beneath snow and volcanic debris on Mount Ararat.  "It's not a 100% that its Noah's Ark but we think it's 99.9% that this is it." Yeung Wing-Cheung, a filmmaker accompanying the explorers told The Daily Mail.  

Paul Zimansky an archaeologist specializing in the Middle East at Stony Brook University in NY stated "I don't know of any expedition  that ever went looking for the ark and didn't find it."

It seems to me that if Noah's Ark has indeed been found, this proves the flood of Noah did occur and is 100% true .  One could also argue that the Bible in a whole is the true word of GOD.  What do you think? Is this true?  Are these pictures and video truly the walls made of "GOPHER WOOD" and where constructed by the hands Noah himself?? 
You decide...   

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When a person does not feel well

Have you every been around a person who is nasty,angry and just plain miserable. I have a suggestion! If the person is important to you and you actually care, ask them how they are feeling? The concern for their health just might be what they need to hear. Be sincere with your question, you just might save the persons life!...Thanks for reading.


Good Evening from the Underground Bunker located in Upstate New York.  The time is 0000hrs on November 8, 2011 and I am currently listening to the “Alex Jones Show” on frequency 4840.0 on my Sony ICF-2010 shortwave radio. I am also monitoring the Upstate NY Trooper barracks as well as the Sheriff Department on my Uniden Bearcat BC350A. The Yaesu FT-2900 and FT-1807 HAM radios are also scanning the NYS Repeaters. 

What is a VIMANA? Do you know what that is? Quiet frankly I did not know what it was until I saw an article earlier this year. I am going to dig a little deeper about what this word means from the UNDERGROUND BUNKER.
A VIMANA is a mythological flying machine, Described in the ancient mythology of India.  References to these flying machines are a commonplace in ancient Indian texts, even describing their use in warfare.  As well as being able to fly within Earth’s atmosphere, VIMANAS were also said to be able to travel into space and travel submerged underwater. 

Ancient Indian literature describe the VIMANAS as  having various shapes and sizes.  The Sun God  were transported by flying wheeled chariots pulled by animals, usually horses.  The “Agnihotra-VIMANA”  and the “Gaja-VIMANA” was powered by multiple engines.  In modern Indian language the word VIMANA means  Ordinary real aircraft. 
How were these VIMANAS powered for flight?  Did these “spaceships” use nuclear power for flight and for use in military strikes in ancient wars?  Some believe this to be true due to the  Archaeological digs of the ancient  Rishi City of Mohenjodaro .  They found skeletons lying in the streets holding hands as if something  suddenly happened to them where they had no where to run.  These skeletons are the most radioactive ever found.  These remains were on par with those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  According to the texts a great war erupted between the Rama Empire and a more militaristic group called the Atlans.  The King of the Rama Empire were forced to use their mental-physic powers to create a defensive illusion.  The tactics worked at first but the Atlans used their great weapon.  It is said to be described as a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe. Was that a nuclear weapon??

A VIMANA FOUND IN CAVE OF AFGHANISTAN was reported on February 12, 2011!  I heard about this case a couple of months ago and thought to myself why am I hearing of this now?  Is this a true event? Supposedly the most powerful leaders of the Western world rushed to Afghanistan to directly view the discovery of a VIMANA entrapped in a "Time Well" that caused the "disappearance of at least 8 US soldiers trying to remove it from the cave.  It is believed that it has been hidden for at least 5,000 years.
The "Time Well" encasing the VIMANA appears to be an electromagnetic field first thought of by Albert Einstein as the "Unified Field Theory" an experiment that the U.S was rumored for working on during WWII that dealt with teleportation called the "Philadelphia Experiment. Like the events that supposedly took place in Afghanistan it too caused the sudden disappearance of some U.S troops. This VIMANA is not just any VIMANA it was written in cave that this specific vehicle was owned by an ancient prophet named Zoroaster. He was the founder of a religion called Zoroastrianism. 

If this report is true and the U.S. Government did find this VIMANA what does this mean for the human race? Did the U.S. Government find the missing tool needed to embark in time travel?  Is this the point in time where time traveling begins? Are the spacemen of old actually the U.S. military?
In the above picture one of the "space vehicles" clearly looks like a Apache helicopter used today.

If this story is true and this mythical object or "machine" is what the ancient people of that part of the world say it is we may be seeing human beings begin to travel within the realms of space and time! This thought just hit me while writing this blog! Who made these machines and why was it in that cave in Afghanistan? Did a government or world leaders of the future put it there knowing only we could find it? If all this is true many different scenarios can be played out in regards to this event.  It is almost easier to answer the "what came first question" the chicken or the egg!

This YouTube video describes the VIMANAS and their history. 

Monday, November 7, 2011


It is 0000 hrs on November 7, 2011 writing from the UNDERGROUND BUNKER here in Upstate New York. I am listening to The Voice of Liberty transmitting on shortwave frequency 4840.0 kHz on my Sony ICF-2010. I am also listening to my VHF/UHF HAM Radios and they are scanning the New York State HAM Radio Repeaters.

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born on to them, That the "SONS OF GOD" saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.  And the Lord said, MY SPIRIT SHALL NOT ALWAYS STRIVE WITH MAN, FOR HE ALSO IS FLESH: YET HIS DAYS SHALL BE AN HUNDRED AND TWENTY YEARS.  There were "GIANTS" in the earth in those days: and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became "MIGHTY MEN" which were of old, men of renown.  ---Genesis 6: 1-4 KJV

Who are the “SONS OF GOD”, “GIANTS IN THE EARTH” and the “MIGHTY MEN” this passage is writing about? We shall take a look at this passage tonight from the BUNKER and see what we come up with.

“SONS OF GOD”: Upon much research on the Internet it is abundantly clear that many people feel the “SONS OF GOD” are the fallen angels that were banished from the heavens with Lucifer (Satan). It was thought that the “SONS OF GOD” were the Sethites but nowhere in the Bible has it referred to this tribe as the “SONS OF GOD”.  The ‘daughters of men’ can hardly be restricted to only the daughters of the Canites because in verse 1 Moses states: “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born on to them”.  It is hard for me to believe that the word 'MEN' is not referring to the human race and the 'daughters of men' in verse 2 is some different group of people is to ignore the context of the passage.

“MIGHTY MEN”: These mighty men were the offspring of the “SONS OF GOD” and the daughters of man. These mighty men were also called the NEPHILIM. The word NEPHILIM is translated in Hebrew to “The ones who have fallen”. In Numbers 13:32-33 states: 32) And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. 33) We saw the NEPHILIM there. We seemed like grasshoppers in our eyes, and we looked the same to them.”
The Biblical references to the "SONS OF GOD" and the "NEPHILIM" has influenced Greek Mythology. The story of the Titans was a family of giant gods who were the offspring of Uranus (heaven) and Gaea (earth). The most famous of the Titans was Cronus, who killed his father. Cronus later led the Titans in their losing war against Zeus and the Olympian gods. After their defeat, the Titans were imprisoned in a section of the underworld called Tartarus. 

“GIANTS OF THE EARTH”: These giants of the earth the bible writes about were men of huge stature. The height of Goliath varies between the various witnesses (manuscripts) to 1 Samuel 17:4- between 4 1/2 and 6 1/2 cubits (even coming in at 5 1/2 cubits from one witness). In Deuteronomy 3:11 only offers us the length of King Og's coffin or bed. So, we might think that the giant lying inside the coffin or bed is a cubit shorter than the 9 cubit coffin/bed itself, or 8 cubits. The length of a cubit was based on the distance from elbow to fingertips, so it varied between different ancient groups of people. Here are some examples from Egypt, Babylon, and ancient Israel.
Ordinary Ancient Jewish Guy versus Goliath (per the Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Josephus), Goliath (per Symmachus, the Vulgate, and the Masoretic Text), and King Og of Bashan
CultureInches (centimeters)
Hebrew (short)17.5 (44.5)
Egyptian17.6 (44.7)
Common (short)18 (45.7)
Babylonian (long)19.8 (50.3)
Hebrew (long)20.4 (51.8)
Egyptian (long)20.6 (52.3)

The NEPHILIM were worshiped by the Egyptians but did they construct the Ancient pyramids? From the quick research I have done on the subject it seem probable. It also seems the NEPHILIM were considered gods in the Ancient Mayan culture. Where they the authors of the Mayan Calender and are illustrating to the world their return to the planet? Are the NEPHILIM or descendants of the NEPHILIM  still here on earth? Are the "SONS OF GOD" the Extra Terrestrials/Aliens of today? Has God in essence clipped their wings so they cannot wonder from planet to planet or from dimension to dimension? Did they have to construct their spacecraft to transport themselves? Watch this YouTube on the NEPHILIM and you decide.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is this a Time Traveler?

 Good evening from The Underground Bunker! It is midnight and winter is quickly approaching Upstate NY and I am in need of a good heater for my workplace. I am listening to HF frequency 3842.0 khz on my Sony ICF-2010 and also VHF/UHF bands on HAM radio.  

Is Time Travel possible?   The this person a time traveler?  In the photo and video the person does look like he or she is talking on a modern day cell phone.  This person was filmed during a Charlie Chaplin movie premier called "The Circus" that was filmed in 1928.  A filmmaker named George Clarke was watching the "Behind the Scenes" of the movie on DVD when he stumbled upon this footage.  

Here is a photo of person below.

Mr Clarke states he kept winding it back and playing it over and over again and found this video was just "Absolutely ridiculous, I'm sure, to some people its a time traveler".

I have seen this video a couple of times and I am 99.9% sure this person is talking on some sort of device or he or she is an emotionally disturbed person talking into a shoe!  Who knows but he or she is definitely looks like they are talking to someone.  But like everything else you come across that you are 99.9% sure about, it's that .1% that always screams at you the loudest.

I always wondered if time travel was possible.  As a kid growing up in the late 70's early 80's I loved the "Back to the Future" movies and loved how Marty and Doc Brown would have to try to get "Back to the Future".  They knew that any changes they did to the past that it could have drastic complications to the future.  Is this the reason that Humans from the future time travel all the time and cannot interrupt our current situations in regards to world events? or can the time travelers do the direct opposite and are in control of our future and can direct certain "Prophesies" to occur? This topic can definitely be deflected to everything from religion to government to technology.  Are our forefathers, inventors, or even the very wealthy descendants of time travelers?

 This is my final video I want you to see.  This is unbelievable as well! Is this possible? Do we time travel and just simply forget our past? I guess our brains are like one of those computers that play chess. The computers know all the moves before they are played.  Our brains most likely know the beginning and end of our lives and Deja vu is somewhat proof of this. this final video is alarming if the photos are authentic.  Who knows?....Could be.