Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ham Radio/Shortwave Radio

Good evening from the Underground Bunker her in Upstate New York.  The time is 0310 hrs on  November 13, 2011.  I am listening to some "General Ham Operators" on frequency 3843.0 kHz.  My VHF/UHF radios are scanning the Upstate New York repeaters systems and my Uniden Bearcat BC350A scanner is also scanning the Police as well as Fire Departments in my area.

I wanted to write about the Shortwave and Ham Radios that I have here in the Underground Bunker.  The Shortwave radio that I listen to is the Sony ICF-2010. 
This Shortwave Radio was well ahead of it's time! This radio receives the regular AM/FM stations as well as shortwave and VHF astronautical bands.  Continuous coverage from 150-29999.9 kHz in AM/CW/SSB and 78-108 MHz in FM.  This radio is a receive only radio. I cannot transmit any voice or CW (morse code).  I can receive all the Shortwave radio stations from around the world on this little radio. Right now while typing this blog I am listening to "Ham" radio operators on 3843.0 kHz.  They are talking about the government and the state of our economy.  These "Ham" operators are located in Atlanta Georgia.  Great  listening to people who are transmitting from different states.

I am also a "HAM" radio operator.  I am considered a "Technician" because I passed the entry level exam.  A Technician can only operate primarily on VHF/UHF frequencies.  This frequency band plan chart that is shown below illustrate which band/frequencies can be used for each level of "HAM" licensee and must be strictly followed.
My VHF/UHF radios are the Yaesu FT-2900R and the Yaesu FT-1807.  I like Yaesu radio's because their transmitting audio are reported to be loud and clear and they are affordable if you don't want to spend all your savings and you are new to the hobby.
The scanner that I listen to is the Uniden Bearcat BC350A.  This is a small scanner that is primarily used for mobile use but I have here in the Underground Bunker because it is small and fits perfectly on my bench.  I listen to Police, Fire Department, EMS, Airplane communications, Marine bands and the NOAA Weather Stations.
These are the radios I listen to while I blog here in the Underground Bunker.  I thought it might be good to list the different types of radios here in the "SHACK".  I usually state what and who I'm listening to in the beginning of my blogs.  Just thought the  readers would like to see what I use here.  I also wanted to thank all who read my blogs!  Be smart and stay safe out there!....Wherever you may be. ----Blogger X

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