Saturday, November 5, 2011

Why haven't we traveled back to the Moon?...Or have we?

Its 1:30 am on November 5, 2011 and I am sitting in my underground bunker (BASEMENT) listening to shortwave radio and I have my VHF/UHF HAM radios on scan. 
SportsCenter is on to keep me from getting totally spooked from this web page article. I am reading a web site about the claimed "TOP SECRET" Apollo 20 mission to the Dark Side of the Moon. The pictures of this mission are so unbelievable!..If they are authentic. I cant believe something so large can be missed on the first mission to the moon. This leads me to believe was it missed? It seems the recent Apollo 18 movie and the Transformer movie where Aliens crashed on the dark side of the moon did or might have happened! Did this claimed Apollo 20 mission occur and sparked the interest of movie makers somewhat 30 years later? These claims fascinate and spark my interest and will be written about on my blog page.

This alleged mission was launched on August of 1976. William Routledge is the whistleblower claiming to be a former astronaut that was involved with this mission. He claims this mission was a joint US and Soviet effort that followed the Apollo-Soyuz 1975 mission. The Apollo 20 mission filmed the dark side of the moon where they claim a very large "ET" vehicle appeared to lie wrecked on the moons surface.
"ET" Vehicle is tucked between craves on dark side of moon

He also claims to have entered the vessel and come across an D.O.A Alien entity. This female entity was dubbed the "MONA LISA".

Is this an elaborate hoax or is our government hiding something from us? In this another cover up or a "top secret" non story like the Roswell Incident? You must decide and make your own judgment.