Have you ever wondered what those "checkerboard" or "Grid-Type" cloud formations in the sky were and how they got there?
Above is a picture of these "checkerboard" or "Grid" cloud formations. Are they put in the earths atmosphere by government officials or an unknown organization? What is the purpose for the release this smoke in the air? The CHEMTRAIL conspiracy theories believe these trails are sprayed by government aircraft. They believe that what is sprayed are chemical or biological agents. These biological agents are sprayed at high altitudes for unknown reasons.
The existence of CHEMTRAILS has been repeatedly denied by the government agencies and scientists around the world who say that they are regular CONTRAILS produced by planes. The U.S.A.F maintains the CHEMTRAIL theory is a hoax and it has been investigated and refuted by major accredited universities, scientific organizations.
Well which one is it? Is it CHEMTRAIL or CONTRAILS? Lets look further.
CHEMTRAIL are trails that are left by chemicals. Proponents of CHEMTRAILS characterize these chemical trails as streams that persist for hours, and by their criss-cross/grid like pattern which blend to eventually form large clouds. Proponents say they can view the presence of visible of color spectra in the streams. These streams are concentrated in a single area and lingering tracks left by unmarked or military airplanes flying in altitudes or locations as markers of CHEMTRAILS.
CONTRAILS are "Streaks of condensed water vapor created at high altitudes by airplane or rocket. These are a result of normal emissions of water vapors from piston and jet engines at high altitudes in which water vapor condenses into a visible cloud. The rate at which CONTRAILS dissipate is dependent on the weather conditions and altitude. If the atmosphere is near saturation it could take several hours. Likewise if the atmosphere is dry it could dissipate very quickly.
This subject is very interesting and should be investigated further. What are these trails of smoke that is left? Is it the non toxic and harmless CONTRAILS that is basically water left by airplanes at high altitude or is it something else? Is it the CHEMTRAILS that the conspiracy theorist think it is? Could it be some type of toxic chemical sprayed to control the weather or to control our minds? Watch this video and you decide.