Good early evening from the Underground Bunker. Have you ever experienced a day that time had no bearing and you had a feeling that something is wrong but had no clue what? Today I had that feeling of melancholy.
Last night after I finished my blog about Bigfoot I felt completely exhausted. I powered off my old gateway 1300 series desktop and climbed up the stairs of the bunker and went straight to bed. When I woke it was around 10:30am but it felt much later in the afternoon. I did not have a good nights rest and the whole day felt as if I was dragging my feet in mud. As the day progressed I was overcome with this feeling of sorrow. Why is this? Everything is ok with me and my family. This feeling comes and goes and after it goes the whole day feels like It was misplaced. It's definitely a weird feeling of being taken out of your realm and going through some different dimension while sitting in one place.
Melancholy is defined as a deep, pensive and long lasting sadness. This feeling I had today did not overcome me for the whole day. It was just for a few hours but the effects of this worry made it feel the few hours were lost in time.
Where did it go? What was I worried about? Do our brains know something that we don't know...yet? What I mean is, do our thoughts travel ahead in time while we are in deep sleep? I was thinking that this could be possible and it sounds logical. I believe that dej-av-u and the feeling of being melancholy is a result from your brain going foward in time.
If your brain can go back in time and remember things why can't it go foward? In essence our brain is the DVD player and your brain waves or life events are the DISK filled with information. All of your life events are all there already and your just in "play mode" and while you sleep you can rewind or even fast foward your DVD disk of your life. This seems like it makes sense to me.
That was my thoughts and feelings for today. What's your opinion about this? Like always thanks for reading my blog. Stay smart and always be safe!---Blogger X