Is Time Travel possible? The this person a time traveler? In the photo and video the person does look like he or she is talking on a modern day cell phone. This person was filmed during a Charlie Chaplin movie premier called "The Circus" that was filmed in 1928. A filmmaker named George Clarke was watching the "Behind the Scenes" of the movie on DVD when he stumbled upon this footage.
Here is a photo of person below.
Mr Clarke states he kept winding it back and playing it over and over again and found this video was just "Absolutely ridiculous, I'm sure, to some people its a time traveler".
I have seen this video a couple of times and I am 99.9% sure this person is talking on some sort of device or he or she is an emotionally disturbed person talking into a shoe! Who knows but he or she is definitely looks like they are talking to someone. But like everything else you come across that you are 99.9% sure about, it's that .1% that always screams at you the loudest.
I always wondered if time travel was possible. As a kid growing up in the late 70's early 80's I loved the "Back to the Future" movies and loved how Marty and Doc Brown would have to try to get "Back to the Future". They knew that any changes they did to the past that it could have drastic complications to the future. Is this the reason that Humans from the future time travel all the time and cannot interrupt our current situations in regards to world events? or can the time travelers do the direct opposite and are in control of our future and can direct certain "Prophesies" to occur? This topic can definitely be deflected to everything from religion to government to technology. Are our forefathers, inventors, or even the very wealthy descendants of time travelers?
This is my final video I want you to see. This is unbelievable as well! Is this possible? Do we time travel and just simply forget our past? I guess our brains are like one of those computers that play chess. The computers know all the moves before they are played. Our brains most likely know the beginning and end of our lives and Deja vu is somewhat proof of this. this final video is alarming if the photos are authentic. Who knows?....Could be.