Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Good Evening from the Underground Bunker located in Upstate New York.  The time is 0000hrs on November 8, 2011 and I am currently listening to the “Alex Jones Show” on frequency 4840.0 on my Sony ICF-2010 shortwave radio. I am also monitoring the Upstate NY Trooper barracks as well as the Sheriff Department on my Uniden Bearcat BC350A. The Yaesu FT-2900 and FT-1807 HAM radios are also scanning the NYS Repeaters. 

What is a VIMANA? Do you know what that is? Quiet frankly I did not know what it was until I saw an article earlier this year. I am going to dig a little deeper about what this word means from the UNDERGROUND BUNKER.
A VIMANA is a mythological flying machine, Described in the ancient mythology of India.  References to these flying machines are a commonplace in ancient Indian texts, even describing their use in warfare.  As well as being able to fly within Earth’s atmosphere, VIMANAS were also said to be able to travel into space and travel submerged underwater. 

Ancient Indian literature describe the VIMANAS as  having various shapes and sizes.  The Sun God  were transported by flying wheeled chariots pulled by animals, usually horses.  The “Agnihotra-VIMANA”  and the “Gaja-VIMANA” was powered by multiple engines.  In modern Indian language the word VIMANA means  Ordinary real aircraft. 
How were these VIMANAS powered for flight?  Did these “spaceships” use nuclear power for flight and for use in military strikes in ancient wars?  Some believe this to be true due to the  Archaeological digs of the ancient  Rishi City of Mohenjodaro .  They found skeletons lying in the streets holding hands as if something  suddenly happened to them where they had no where to run.  These skeletons are the most radioactive ever found.  These remains were on par with those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  According to the texts a great war erupted between the Rama Empire and a more militaristic group called the Atlans.  The King of the Rama Empire were forced to use their mental-physic powers to create a defensive illusion.  The tactics worked at first but the Atlans used their great weapon.  It is said to be described as a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe. Was that a nuclear weapon??

A VIMANA FOUND IN CAVE OF AFGHANISTAN was reported on February 12, 2011!  I heard about this case a couple of months ago and thought to myself why am I hearing of this now?  Is this a true event? Supposedly the most powerful leaders of the Western world rushed to Afghanistan to directly view the discovery of a VIMANA entrapped in a "Time Well" that caused the "disappearance of at least 8 US soldiers trying to remove it from the cave.  It is believed that it has been hidden for at least 5,000 years.
The "Time Well" encasing the VIMANA appears to be an electromagnetic field first thought of by Albert Einstein as the "Unified Field Theory" an experiment that the U.S was rumored for working on during WWII that dealt with teleportation called the "Philadelphia Experiment. Like the events that supposedly took place in Afghanistan it too caused the sudden disappearance of some U.S troops. This VIMANA is not just any VIMANA it was written in cave that this specific vehicle was owned by an ancient prophet named Zoroaster. He was the founder of a religion called Zoroastrianism. 

If this report is true and the U.S. Government did find this VIMANA what does this mean for the human race? Did the U.S. Government find the missing tool needed to embark in time travel?  Is this the point in time where time traveling begins? Are the spacemen of old actually the U.S. military?
In the above picture one of the "space vehicles" clearly looks like a Apache helicopter used today.

If this story is true and this mythical object or "machine" is what the ancient people of that part of the world say it is we may be seeing human beings begin to travel within the realms of space and time! This thought just hit me while writing this blog! Who made these machines and why was it in that cave in Afghanistan? Did a government or world leaders of the future put it there knowing only we could find it? If all this is true many different scenarios can be played out in regards to this event.  It is almost easier to answer the "what came first question" the chicken or the egg!

This YouTube video describes the VIMANAS and their history. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi I found your blog searching for confirmation of this story about a Vimana being found in Afghanistan being true or not.

    There's this guy on this forum that says he knows the whole story, I don't know if I believe him though, he says the spec ops found it chasing insurgents into a cave and they disappeared.

    Here's the link if you want to read the whole thing: Vimana found in cave truth or fiction?
