Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Noah's Ark Found?

Good Evening from the Underground Bunker located in Upstate New York. The time is 0155 hrs on November 9, 2011 and I am currently listening to the “Alex Jones Show” on frequency 4840.0 on my Sony ICF-2010 shortwave radio. I am also monitoring the Upstate NY Trooper barracks as well as the Sheriff Department on my Uniden Bearcat BC350A. The Yaesu FT-2900 and FT-1807 HAM radios are also scanning the NYS Repeaters.

"Make thee an Ark of GOPHER WOOD; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, the breadth of it 50 cubits, and the height of it 30 cubits."
---GENESIS 6: 14-15

What is GOPHER WOOD? Most modern day English bibles translate it to "CYPRESS" which is probably incorrect because the plants and trees of the "Pre-Flood Earth" was very different from the "Post-Flood Earth".  Many plants and trees are now extinct since the days of the flood.  This "GOPHER WOOD" must have been so strong and massive to hold the heavy weight of the cargo and the rising water of the flood.  Another reason it is thought to be "CYPRESS" is because it was in abundance in Chaldea and Armenia.

Lets take a look at the size of the Ark.  The above passage (GENESIS 6:15) states the length of the vessel was 300 cubits the height was 30 cubits and the width was 50 cubits.  That's 450 feet long, 45 feet high and 75 feet wide!!  That is approximatly half the size of the Oasis of the Seas!  That is a huge vessel being made by a man in those times.  It took Noah no more than 75 years to complete the Ark(  No wonder the people around Noah thought he was a mentally disturbed person.  

"And the Ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat".--GENESIS 8:4

Where is Mount Ararat?  Mount Ararat is a snow capped dormant volcanic cone located in Turkey.  It has two peaks: Greater-Ararat is the tallest peak in turkey with an elevation of 16,854 feet above sea level.  Lesser-Ararat has an elevation of 12,782.
Has Noah's Ark been found on Mount Ararat? An Evangelical Christian team claims they have indeed found the ark of Noah beneath snow and volcanic debris on Mount Ararat.  "It's not a 100% that its Noah's Ark but we think it's 99.9% that this is it." Yeung Wing-Cheung, a filmmaker accompanying the explorers told The Daily Mail.  

Paul Zimansky an archaeologist specializing in the Middle East at Stony Brook University in NY stated "I don't know of any expedition  that ever went looking for the ark and didn't find it."

It seems to me that if Noah's Ark has indeed been found, this proves the flood of Noah did occur and is 100% true .  One could also argue that the Bible in a whole is the true word of GOD.  What do you think? Is this true?  Are these pictures and video truly the walls made of "GOPHER WOOD" and where constructed by the hands Noah himself?? 
You decide...   

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