Sunday, July 1, 2012

The World Today

Good evening from the Underground Bunker located in the mountains of Upstate New York. Today was a beautiful day!  Those of us who believe in our Lord should always give thanks for days like this.  Sitting on a fold out chair in my backyard watching kids play in a kiddie pool was all I did.  I enjoyed every minute of it! I did have the local AM radio station on and trying hard to listen while the kids were screaming "MARCO"!..."POLO"!

The news of the day was the new Health Care Reform Bill that the Supreme Court found to be in fact constitutional.  What a mess that was! What our Chief Justice did in my mind is equivalent to a professor grading a term paper and changing the term paper so he can give the paper an "A". The President knew this Bill had to be a Tax to be upheld in the Supreme Court, he just wanted the courts to say it.  The President loves to "Pass the Buck".  It frustrates me when I hear The White House officials blame the Bush administration.  The "Change" that our President spoke of during the election of 2008 is not what allot of us had in mind.  Why is our government so at odds with each other?? The bi-partisanship is nauseating! I understand that the two parties have differences of opinions and a hard time getting things done but it should never be at the expense of the citizens of our great country.  This new Health Care Reform Bill to me is equivalent to a person who needs a new car.  Their current car works but not great and they know its not going to last them to long.  The person can only afford a Hyundai but instead they buy a Mercedes Benz!! 

Why did the government buy a Benz when they could only afford a Hyundai is beyond me.  To me it feels like the government wants to go bankrupt!! The Hyundai would have been sufficient in my view.  This Health Care Bill is going to bankrupt this country.  I could understand the President trying something like this when our economic situation is better but to do this now is mind boggling.  They should have fixed their current car to last them until they were financially secure to make this bold move to the Mercedes.  This other situation with our Attorney General is sickening also! This man is the top law enforcement official in the US and by him not abiding by court ordered subpoena is asinine! What has our great country become?? A law enforcement agent has been killed by someones error and we should know what exactly happened. By some of congress walking out is disrespectful to our law enforcement professionals working hard and putting their lives on the line for our safety.  All of congress should stand together and find out why this occurred and work as one in regards to our safety.  The bi-partisanship must not be implemented here when a possible cover up or possible crime has or had taken place. There is a time and place for bi-partisanship but since lives were lost the "walk out" should not have taken place.  Its a slap in the face to the fundamentals of checks and balances that our founding fathers implemented.

As a country have lost our way and we need to get back to knowing and acknowledged our Lord and Savior!  Have people forgotten or know what took place during the War of 1812?  In the summer of 1814 the British invaded Washington D.C and while British Admirals were eating dinner inside of the white house they ordered our nations capital burned to the ground.  The British troops proceeded to burn the capitol when a massive storm came.  The storm produced torrential rains that extinguished the fires and also produced multiple tornadoes that did major damage to the British fleet and troops.  It is said that many of the British cannons were raised from the ground and landed on British tents. The storm of 1814 decimated their chances of over powering our capitol.  This is not fiction this did happen!(  God protected us then from the British invasion. Lets not be arrogant and think we do not need him now.  I feel some people think their are no consequences for their actions.  This country was great when we stood before the start of every school day and recited the pledge of allegiance to our flag and people went to church on Sunday and said hello to your neighbor and actually placed a call instead of texting or sending e-mails to one another. The world is becoming one big anti-social place and its kind of ironic that we are using multi-media to accomplish this! The more and more I see things and how they are drastically changing the more and more I realize the need of the Lord in our lives.   

So much going on in our world today and we must keep up to date to whats going on in our country and our world because we are truly becoming global.  The boundaries of countries are slowly becoming obsolete and what affects one affects all and that is very worrisome to me.  Lets not turn our back on God! We need to do an about face and turn back to him to receive his blessings!  God Bless and stay safe-- Blogger X

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today is March 21 2012 and its 70 degrees here in Upstate NY. What is going on here!? I think the seasons are shifting. Hope the Mayans are not right about the earth's shift that's suppose to come later this year. We will see! Only GOD knows our fate. Have a blessed day.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'm Scared

Good Evening from the Underground Bunker here in Upstate New York. It's December 22, 2011 at 0233 hrs and I am lying in bed here on the mountain and I can hear the wind blowing outside. It's rather warm tonight my cell phone is stating its 52*F outside.
Been having some knee pain and back pain and already I am longing for the warm weather. I guess I can't complain because like I said for it being the end of December and only 52*F  I will take it!...Thank you Lord!

I have been feeling scared lately for what?.. I cannot Say.  It's just a prolonged melancholy feeling. It just takes over my mind and its hard to get rid of it.  Is it depression?? Am I going through a mid life crisis?? Where is a mid life supposed to be??
I do not know but I want to feel better.  I need my mental health to be good. Does anyone out there have any suggestions to get over this mindset?
It's a strange place I'm in. Some might look at my situation and say "what are you complaining about?" or "you got it great!" But like they say grass is always greener on the other side.
I could understand why the old man in the movie Shawshank Redemption took his life. He was so used to being on the inside of the prison that when he was finally freed he did not know what to do with himself.  That's a terrible lost feeling.
Feeling Scared is the worst feeling in the world. Just want to sleep! Eyes starting to feel heavy now....Good sign. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. If the good Lord's willing.
                                                                                           -Blogger X

Friday, December 16, 2011


Good Afternoon from the Underground Bunker here on the Mountain in Upstate New York. 
Today is December 16, 2011 at 1453 hrs.  I am not listening to any of my radio transmitters right now. I'm just lying on my bed and looking out my window with my thoughts racing in my head. 

The weather is 42*F outside and grey skies are above me and it feels like rain but quite possible can turn to snow if the temperature drops a little more.

Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? Does it end when we die? Yesterday I wrote about the Blind Man in John 9 and maybe in that passage and like many passages in the Bible it shows us that we must believe. We should wash the clay away and open our eyes.  The miracles that Jesus performed were definite works of God and by no human being. Our faith must be established through him. We must focus our mind and bodies.

Our brain and body are the vehicles in which we are given to navigate in this physical world but FAITH in God is the fuel that drives us to become better people. As I am getting older I realize that life isn't about getting the things we "want" because once we get them it does not fulfill you. Life is about being happy and loving the ones you are with and just being a good person with high morals and integrity. I believe this life is like "boot camp" and only the strong willed and faithful survive.

We are here not for a test because think about it why does God need to test us? He knows the answers!! The book of life has those who are chosen already written in it but some are not ready yet.  Just like when you put something in an oven to cook, it is "not ready to serve". The thing you put in in the beginning of the cooking stage is the same as the end of the cooking stage but when the bell rings to the oven the meal is "ready to serve!". And also with God there is no such thing as a timer so it could take a persons whole life or it could take a split second after conception in the womb.

If you think about it for some people training and " being ready to serve" or "being in boot camp" is the only thing that is plausible. Positions or Jobs which deal with human life, money or even the Arts (Military,Police,Dr,Lawers,Stocks Brokers,Musicians) are highly trained in their craft and go through vigorous training and schooling.

And sometimes a genius comes along and debunks that train of thought and have no need for training and this is because their talents are God given.  These persons who are genius at what they do is a reminder to us that God can do all things at all times and sometimes for the chosen training is not needed because they are blessed from the beginning with "God given talents".

Just was thinking and decided to write. Like always, stay safe and be smart. Thanks for reading my blog.

                                        -Blogger X